Tomorrow, YRDSB is hosting their first Google Camp! I am so happy to be a part of it. I can't believe it was just this past April that I attended the first GAFE Summit in Canada with three of my colleagues. From that Summit, the idea for this camp, and my 20% project were born.
I am presenting the 20% project I ran in my Civics class as one of the sessions. The information is not much different from what I have shared here on the blog, but I am looking forward to the discussion with other teachers about the possibilities of 20% Time in their classes. I am also presenting on using Search features. I will post the presentations here next week.
I will be back to blogging soon. I have started 20% time with my Politics class, as well as a second Civics class with a new colleague. To make everything more seamless, I have also gone fully google; my class is now (except for tests) completely paperless and on GAPPS. I will be sharing this experience with my blog readers soon; I am still settling in to the semester.
If you are on twitter, follow #yrdsbgooglecamp or our G+ community (YRDSB Google Camp) for how the day went.